Monday, March 2, 2009

Good? Intentions

Well, I actually thought I would be able to write on a regular basis when I started this thing but you probably know that life often gets in the way.

I am not going to bore you with reasons and excuses, though I could as I have many. Life has not been particularly nice to us in the recent months but I believe we will get past that and be better for it so onward and upward as "they" say!

I did the tomatoes as mentioned in the first post but never did get the pizza made. The tomatoes were wonderful with just good bread. Pizza someday.

I have done lots of cooking since that long ago post in August, some really great and some just ok. The most wonderful was a slow cooked pork shoulder roast with rosemary, garlic and sage as a coating. It was so good that I am making it again for tomorrows dinner. The house smells like heaven right now and will do so again tomorrow when I finish it. Hopefully, I will remember to take a photo of the finished item. Then, of course, I will have to learn how to post a photo. The recipe I sort of followed was in an issue of Bon Appetit, one of my favorite food mags. I am not good at following recipes as they are written, I always have to add my own spin. I guess that is what makes cooking fun for me. My husband doesn't complain either, so far anyway! :)

We are going to be moving in the near future and part of what I aim to do once relocated is to start a sizable vegetable/herb garden so that I can not only preserve things for my use but also offer some of the goodies for sale at farmers markets and maybe even local restaurants.

Of course, all of this hinges on finding the right place to live with the right land to grow things on.

In the meantime, I will hope that I can find the time to post more info as it happens rather than leaving such huge gaps in time as I did the first time.

If anyone is reading this, thank you!! I really will work at being here more often.

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