Sunday, March 22, 2009

Finally, there is life afterall...

I was outside looking at the garden since the temps have finally begun to behave. We had one of the coldest winters I can remember in a very long time and I have been so looking forward to getting out to see what survived the single digits we saw for so long. I was pleasantly suprised that my french taragon and my fennel both are making a comeback. I never expected either one to re-appear since both are listed as being tender.

There are also signs of life with parsley, thyme, oregano and chives as well as most of my normal flowering perennials.
I love nothing more than getting out and digging in the dirt. I have loved gardening since I was a child when I stuck a twig into the ground in our yard and it managed to root and grow into a nice maple tree. I am planning on potting as many of my good plants up to take with us when we move. Not the best time of year for moving them but I don't want to leave them. I have too many years of work and love put into my garden to just abandon them to the possibility that the next person here won't want them and tear them out. That happened when we moved the last time, 50 feet of flower and herb beds just turned under and seeded for grass of all things!
I saved seed from all the various heirloom tomatoes I grew last year and will be getting them into pots for starting very soon. Can't see not having them at least started nor can I justify having to buy plants once we get where we are going.
I have spring fever in a big way, I spent part of today just wandering around our property looking at what is starting to grow as well as listening and watching all the birds that are already collecting nest materials and courting each other. This is one of my favorite times of the year but I will be even happier once it starts to realy get green out there. I even saw the first turtle on the pond.
I hope everyone is seeing the same things in your yards, life beginning again and warmer temps!
Happy, Happy Spring!

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